
Correcting Colours

We did it! It all came together in the end, I would like to say nicely but it came together with a lot of late nights/early mornings, days that felt way too short and a fair bit of madness but the outcome was definitely something I think the whole team is proud of. Being the first short film I have been a part of it was an experience that I will take a lot from in every aspect within film making and animation. Thankfully all the stress and work isn't a deterrent, most likely because it paid off and it is a great feeling to have accomplished something that requires such commitment and dedication to produce. Working as a group is still an new concept to me and I think overall we worked well, I assume like most group projects there are bound to be some issues, which we had and the way in which issues were dealt with was in a very professional way (as professional as students can be). One of the best things about this particular film is that we can all walk away with something personal and something shared that we're proud of, great job everyone!

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